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Quantum Assisted Architectures for Wireless Systems, the Case of Quantum 6G

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


The development of a quantum-based architecture for wireless systems is required to respond to the growing need for faster and more effective communication. Quantum computing offers a huge promise for improving wireless communication networks due to its ability to perform complex computations and simulations in a fraction of the time compared to classical computing. With a focus on Quantum 6G, this paper examines the foundations of quantum computing, the state of conventional wireless systems, and the potential for quantum-assisted wireless systems. This paper also analyzes future research areas and briefly discusses the newly developing topic of quantum machine learning in the context of 6G. It starts with reviewing Quantum 6G, covering facets like its effectiveness and security. It also explores the challenges and constraints of managing wireless resources with quantum assistance. This study seeks to explore these issues in order to advance knowledge of quantum 6G networks and encourage additional investigation into this exciting area.


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ICFNDS '23: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems
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Published: 13 May 2024


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