An Extended Approach of Agile Model towards Agile Requirement Quality Inspector
Article No.: 39, Pages 1 - 5
Every web application is unique and thus requires unique or customized development procedure or phases. Additionally, gathering requirements properly and matching expectation are crucial in proper development of web application. If requirement is misinterpreted, then the company may face technical debt. As a result, traditional software development approaches cannot assure the quality development of online apps. There is a pressing need to establish an iterative development life cycle model capable of accurately responding to the dynamic changing needs of where application development while also maintaining quality in each development phase. The problem may be summed up as the need for an iterative development life cycle model that is simple to govern and can ease web application development by obtaining correct requirements and minimizing the number of iterations. This paper proposed the new model for developing web application and this model analyzed with product matrix.
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Index Terms
- An Extended Approach of Agile Model towards Agile Requirement Quality Inspector
Towards agile and beyond: an empirical account on the challenges involved when advancing software development practices
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme ProgrammingDuring the last decade, the vast majority of software companies have adopted agile development practices. Now companies are looking to move beyond agile and further advance their practices. In this paper, we report on the experiences of a company in the ...
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