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Measuring Group Creativity of Dialogic Interaction Systems by Means of Remote Entailment Analysis

Published: 10 September 2024 Publication History


We present a procedure for assessing group creativity that allows us to compare the contributions of human interlocutors and chatbots based on generative AI such as ChatGPT. We focus on everyday creativity in terms of dialogic communication and test four hypotheses about the difference between human and artificial communication. Our procedure is based on a test that requires interlocutors to cooperatively interpret a sequence of sentences for which we control for coherence gaps with reference to the notion of entailment. Using NLP methods, we automatically evaluate the spoken or written contributions of interlocutors (human or otherwise). The paper develops a routine for automatic transcription based on Whisper, for sampling texts based on their entailment relations, for analyzing dialogic contributions along their semantic embeddings, and for classifying interlocutors and interaction systems based on them. In this way, we highlight differences between human and artificial conversations under conditions that approximate free dialogic communication. We show that despite their obvious classificatory differences, it is difficult to see clear differences even in the domain of dialogic communication given the current instruments of NLP.


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