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Sharing Queries with Nonequivalent User-defined Aggregate Functions

Published: 10 April 2024 Publication History


This article presents Sharing User-Defined Aggregate Function (SUDAF), a declarative framework that allows users to write User-defined Aggregate Functions (UDAFs) as mathematical expressions and use them in Structured Query Language statements. SUDAF rewrites partial aggregates of UDAFs using built-in aggregate functions and supports efficient dynamic caching and reusing of partial aggregates. Our experiments show that rewriting UDAFs using built-in functions can significantly speed up queries with UDAFs, and the proposed sharing approach can yield up to two orders of magnitude improvement in query execution time. The article studies also an extension of SUDAF to support sharing partial results between arbitrary queries with UDAFs. We show a connection with the problem of query rewriting using views and introduce a new class of rewritings, called SUDAF rewritings, which enables to use views that have aggregate functions different from the ones used in the input query. We investigate the underlying rewriting-checking and rewriting-existing problem. Our main technical result is a reduction of these problems to, respectively, rewriting-checking and rewriting-existing of the so-called aggregate candidates, a class of rewritings that has been deeply investigated in the literature.

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  1. Sharing Queries with Nonequivalent User-defined Aggregate Functions



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Database Systems
      ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 49, Issue 2
      June 2024
      167 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 10 April 2024
      Online AM: 24 February 2024
      Accepted: 24 January 2024
      Revised: 09 October 2023
      Received: 02 December 2022
      Published in TODS Volume 49, Issue 2

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      Author Tags

      1. Query processing
      2. query rewriting
      3. user-defined aggregate functions


      • Research-article

      Funding Sources

      • French government IDEX-ISITE initiative 16-IDEX-0001
      • CPER of the “Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes,” the French Government, and FEDER from the European community


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