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View all- Song YDing JYuan JLiao QLi Y(2024)Controllable Human Trajectory Generation Using Profile-Guided Latent DiffusionACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data10.1145/370173619:1(1-25)Online publication date: 25-Oct-2024
Origin-destination (OD) flow modeling is an extensively researched subject across multiple disciplines, such as the investigation of travel demand in transportation and spatial interaction modeling in geography. However, researchers from different fields ...
This paper analyzes the time, lane and direction distribution characteristics of volume and speed, based on data survey, aimed at the section on urban arterial street near the school in Huhhot. The research results show that there is a peak traffic ...
This paper describes methods for extracting traffic flow information from urban traffic scenes. The ultimate goal is to collect a macroscopic view of traffic flow information in a fully automatic and segmentation-free way. First, traffic flow is ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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