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BeatDance: A Beat-Based Model-Agnostic Contrastive Learning Framework for Music-Dance Retrieval

Published: 07 June 2024 Publication History


Dance and music are closely related forms of expression, with mutual retrieval between dance videos and music being a fundamental task in various fields like education, art, and sports. However, existing methods often suffer from unnatural generation effects or fail to fully explore the correlation between music and dance. To overcome these challenges, we propose BeatDance, a novel beat-based model-agnostic contrastive learning framework. BeatDance incorporates a Beat-Aware Music-Dance InfoExtractor, a Trans-Temporal Beat Blender, and a Beat-Enhanced Hubness Reducer to improve Music-Dance retrieval performance by utilizing the alignment between music beats and dance movements. We also introduce the Music-Dance (M-D) dataset, a large-scale collection of over 10,000 Music-Dance video pairs for training and testing. Experimental results on the M-D dataset demonstrate the superiority of our method over existing baselines, achieving state-of-the-art performance. The code and dataset are available at


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  1. BeatDance: A Beat-Based Model-Agnostic Contrastive Learning Framework for Music-Dance Retrieval



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      ICMR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
      May 2024
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      Published: 07 June 2024


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