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Context or Clutter? Efficiently Matching Objects Across Scenes

Published: 07 June 2024 Publication History


Annotated images are required for numerous computer vision tasks; however, the annotation process can be time-consuming for crowdworkers and experts. Previous work has investigated novel interaction techniques and task reformulation to speed up this process; however, there remains a gap in optimizing more complex annotation tasks, such as object matching. In this paper, we explore the impact of varying the amount of context provided to annotators. We hypothesize that reducing the context around the object being matched will improve speed without sacrificing the accuracy of the annotation task. To test this hypothesis, we developed a semi-automated annotation pipeline that pre-processes images to adjust the amount of context shown around an object of interest. We conducted two studies (n = 130, n = 10) to assess the effects of context quantitatively and qualitatively. We found that while the accuracy remained the same, the time spent on the task was significantly reduced when there was less context surrounding the object. However, our qualitative findings revealed multiple scenarios in which context served as a means of guiding the object matching task, and many others in which the distinctiveness of the object guided the matching task and additional context was not needed.


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ICMR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
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Published: 07 June 2024


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  1. annotation
  2. computer vision problems
  3. computing methodologies
  4. hci design and evaluation methods
  5. human computer interaction (hci)
  6. human-centered computing
  7. matching
  8. object detection
  9. user studies


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