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Improving Image Retrieval Precision with a Dual-Branch Network and Multi-Scale Contextual Collaboration

Published: 23 May 2024 Publication History


This paper introduces a dual-branch fine-grained image retrieval method based on cross-scale feature fusion. Initially, visual features are extracted from input images using a convolutional neural network. Subsequently, a channel weighting module is employed to finely weight channel features, enhancing the coordination between different feature maps. Following that, we incorporate a spatial pyramid pooling module to efficiently fuse global contextual information in the global branch. In the local branch, we employ ASPP modules and self-attention mechanisms to better extract representative local information. Finally, we introduce our proposed multi-scale contextual collaboration module, which seamlessly integrates global features with local features, further reducing the semantic gap between different feature scales. Extensive experiments were conducted using multiple datasets, including fiar-10, cifar-100, and ImageNet, demonstrating the outstanding performance of our method in image retrieval tasks.


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Index Terms

  1. Improving Image Retrieval Precision with a Dual-Branch Network and Multi-Scale Contextual Collaboration



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      ICAICE '23: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering
      November 2023
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