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sMVX: Multi-Variant Execution on Selected Code Paths

Published: 02 December 2024 Publication History


Multi-Variant Execution (MVX) is an effective way to detect memory corruption vulnerabilities, intrusions, or live software updates. A traditional MVX system concurrently runs multiple copies of functionally identical, layout-different program variants. Therefore, a typical memory corruption attack that forges pointers can succeed on at most one variant, leading the other variant(s) to crash. The replicated execution adds software security and reliability but also brings multiple times of CPU and memory usage.
This paper presents sMVX, a flexible multi-variant execution system replicating variants only on the selected code paths. sMVX allows end-users to annotate a target program and indicate sensitive code regions for multi-variant execution. Such code regions can be authentication-related code or sensitive functions that handle potentially malicious input data. An sMVX runtime only replicates the sensitive functions and executes them in lockstep. We have implemented a prototype of sMVX using an in-process code monitor. The sMVX monitor supports the selected code paths MVX from within the target program's address space, but the monitor is isolated from the target's code by the Intel Memory Protection Keys (MPK). We evaluated the sMVX using a benchmark suite and two server applications. The evaluation demonstrates that sMVX exhibits a comparable performance overhead to state-of-the-art MVX systems but requires 20% fewer CPU cycles and 49% less memory consumption on server applications.


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Index Terms

  1. sMVX: Multi-Variant Execution on Selected Code Paths



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      December 2024
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      December 2 - 6, 2024
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