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Rearrangement Distance Problems: An updated survey

Published: 26 April 2024 Publication History


One of the challenges in the Comparative Genomics field is to infer how close two organisms are based on the similarities and differences between their genetic materials. Recent advances in DNA sequencing have made complete genomes increasingly available. That said, several new algorithms trying to infer the distance between two organisms based on genome rearrangements have been proposed in the literature. However, given the diversity of approaches, the diversity of genome rearrangement events, or even how each work models the genomes and what assumptions are made by each of them, finding the ideal algorithm for each situation or simply knowing the range of applicable approaches can be challenging. In this work, we review these approaches having the algorithmic and combinatorial advances since 2010 as our main focus. This survey aims to organize the recently published papers using a concise notation and to indicate the gaps filled by each of them in the literature. This makes it easier to understand what still needs to be done and what has room for enhancement.


Max A. Alekseyev. 2008. Multi-break rearrangements and breakpoint re-uses: From circular to linear genomes. Journal of Computational Biology 15, 8 (2008), 1117–1131.
Max A. Alekseyev and Pavel A. Pevzner. 2008. Multi-break rearrangements and chromosomal evolution. Theoretical Computer Science 395, 2-3 (2008), 193–202.
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Klairton Lima Brito, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2022. A 1.375-approximation algorithm for sorting by transpositions with faster running time. In Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics (BSB’2022). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 13523. Springer Nature Switzerland, 147–157.
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Klairton Lima Brito, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2022. Reversal and indel distance with intergenic region information. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 0, PP (2022), 1–13. DOI:
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Carla Negri Lintzmayer, and Zanoni Dias. 2020. Sorting permutations by fragmentation-weighted operations. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 18, 2 (2020), 2050006.1–2050006.31.
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Guilherme Henrique Santos Miranda, Carla Negri Lintzmayer, and Zanoni Dias. 2021. Length-weighted \(\lambda\)-rearrangement Distance. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 41, 3 (2021), 579–603.
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2020. On the complexity of some variations of sorting by transpositions. Journal of Universal Computer Science 26, 9 (2020), 1076–1094.
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2021. Genome rearrangement distance with reversals, transpositions, and indels. Journal of Computational Biology 28, 3 (2021), 235–247.
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2021. Incorporating intergenic regions into reversal and transposition distances with indels. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 19, 06 (2021), 2140011.
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2022. Labeled cycle graph for transposition and indel distance. Journal of Computational Biology 29, 03 (2022), 243–256.
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Géraldine Jean, Guillaume Fertin, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2022. Transposition distance considering intergenic regions for unbalanced genomes. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA’2022), Vol. 13760. Springer Nature Switzerland, 100–113.
David A. Bader, Bernard M. E. Moret, and Mi Yan. 2001. A linear-time algorithm for computing inversion distance between signed permutations with an experimental study. Journal of Computational Biology 8 (2001), 483–491.
Martin Bader and Enno Ohlebusch. 2007. Sorting by weighted reversals, transpositions, and inverted transpositions. Journal of Computational Biology 14, 5 (2007), 615–636.
Vineet Bafna and Pavel A. Pevzner. 1996. Genome rearrangements and sorting by reversals. SIAM Journal on Computing 25, 2 (1996), 272–289.
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Michael A. Bender, Dongdong Ge, Simai He, Haodong Hu, Ron Y. Pinter, Steven S. Skiena, and Firas Swidan. 2008. Improved bounds on sorting by length-weighted reversals. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 74, 5 (2008), 744–774.
Anne Bergeron. 2005. A very elementary presentation of the Hannenhalli-Pevzner theory. Discrete Applied Mathematics 146, 2 (2005), 134–145.
Anne Bergeron, Julia Mixtacki, and Jens Stoye. 2006. A unifying view of genome rearrangements. In International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics. Springer, Springer, Berlin, 163–173.
Anne Bergeron, Julia Mixtacki, and Jens Stoye. 2009. A new linear time algorithm to compute the genomic distance via the double cut and join distance. Theoretical Computer Science 410, 51 (2009), 5300–5316. DOI:
Piotr Berman, Sridhar Hannenhalli, and Marek Karpinski. 2002. 1.375-Approximation algorithm for sorting by reversals. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA’2002), R. Möhring and R. Raman (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2461. Springer-Verlag Berlin New York, Berlin, Germany, 200–210.
Sangeeta Bhatia, Pedro Feijão, and Andrew R. Francis. 2018. Position and content paradigms in genome rearrangements: The wild and crazy world of permutations in genomics. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 80, 12 (2018), 3227–3246.
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Priscila Biller, Laurent Guéguen, Carole Knibbe, and Eric Tannier. 2016. Breaking good: Accounting for fragility of genomic regions in rearrangement distance estimation. Genome Biology and Evolution 8, 5 (2016), 1427–1439.
Priscila Biller, Carole Knibbe, Guillaume Beslon, and Eric Tannier. 2016. Comparative genomics on artificial life. In Pursuit of the Universal. Springer International Publishing, 35–44.
Mathieu Blanchette, Takashi Kunisawa, and David Sankoff. 1996. Parametric genome rearrangement. Gene 172, 1 (1996), GC11–GC17.
Marília D. V. Braga, Eyla Willing, and Jens Stoye. 2011. Double cut and join with insertions and deletions. Journal of Computational Biology 18, 9 (2011), 1167–1184.
Klairton Lima Brito, Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2022. Genome rearrangement distance with a flexible intergenic regions aspect. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics PP, 0 (2022), 1–13. DOI:
Klairton Lima Brito, Géraldine Jean, Guillaume Fertin, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2020. Sorting by genome rearrangements on both gene order and intergenic sizes. Journal of Computational Biology 27, 2 (2020), 156–174.
Klairton Lima Brito, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2021. An improved approximation algorithm for the reversal and transposition distance considering gene order and intergenic sizes. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 16, 1 (2021), 1–21.
Klairton Lima Brito, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2021. Reversal and transposition distance of genomes considering flexible intergenic regions. In Proceedings of the XI Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS’2021). Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 21–29.
Klairton Lima Brito, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2022. A new approach for the reversal distance with indels and moves in intergenic regions. In Proceedings of 19th Annual Satellite Conference of RECOMB on Comparative Genomics (RECOMB-CG’2022), Vol. 13234. Springer International Publishing, 205–220.
Laurent Bulteau, Guillaume Fertin, Géraldine Jean, and Christian Komusiewicz. 2021. Sorting by multi-cut rearrangements. Algorithms 14, 6 (2021), 169.
Laurent Bulteau, Guillaume Fertin, and Christian Komusiewicz. 2016. (Prefix) reversal distance for (signed) strings with few blocks or small alphabets. Journal of Discrete Algorithms 37 (2016), 44–55.
Laurent Bulteau, Guillaume Fertin, and Irena Rusu. 2012. Sorting by transpositions is difficult. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 26, 3 (2012), 1148–1180.
Laurent Bulteau, Guillaume Fertin, and Irena Rusu. 2015. Pancake flipping is hard. J. Comput. System Sci. 81, 8 (Dec.2015), 1556–1574.
Laurent Bulteau, Guillaume Fertin, and Eric Tannier. 2016. Genome rearrangements with indels in intergenes restrict the scenario space. BMC Bioinformatics 17, 14 (2016), 426.
Laurent Bulteau and Mathias Weller. 2019. Parameterized algorithms in bioinformatics: An overview. Algorithms 12, 12 (2019), 256.
Ben Cameron, Joe Sawada, Wei Therese, and Aaron Williams. 2022. Hamiltonicity of k-sided pancake networks with fixed-spin: Efficient generation, ranking, and optimality. Algorithmica 0, PP (2022), 1–28. DOI:
Alberto Caprara. 1999. Sorting permutations by reversals and Eulerian cycle decompositions. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 12, 1 (1999), 91–110.
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Xin Chen, Jie Zheng, Zheng Fu, Peng Nan, Yang Zhong, Stefano Lonardi, and Tao Jiang. 2005. Assignment of orthologous genes via genome rearrangement. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 2, 4 (2005), 302–315.
Bhadrachalam Chitturi. 2015. Tighter upper bound for sorting permutations with prefix transpositions. Theoretical Computer Science 602 (2015), 22–31.
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Josef Cibulka. 2011. On average and highest number of flips in pancake sorting. Theoretical Computer Science 412, 8-10 (2011), 822–834.
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Luís Felipe I. Cunha, Luis Antonio B. Kowada, Rodrigo de A. Hausen, and Celina M. H. de Figueiredo. 2015. A faster 1.375-approximation algorithm for sorting by transpositions. Journal of Computational Biology 22, 11 (2015), 1044–1056.
Thiago da S. Arruda, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2018. A GRASP-based heuristic for the sorting by length-weighted inversions problem. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 15 (2018), 352–363.
Daniel A. Dalevi, Niklas Eriksen, Kimmo Eriksson, and Siv G. E. Andersson. 2002. Measuring genome divergence in bacteria: A case study using chlamydian data. Journal of Molecular Evolution 55, 1 (2002), 24–36.
Ulisses Dias and Zanoni Dias. 2013. Heuristics for the transposition distance problem. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 11, 5 (2013), 17.
Ulisses Dias, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Klairton Lima Brito, and Zanoni Dias. 2019. Block-interchange distance considering intergenic regions. In Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics (BSB’2019). Vol. 11347. Springer International Publishing, 58–69.
Zanoni Dias and Ulisses Dias. 2015. Sorting by prefix reversals and prefix transpositions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 181 (2015), 78–89.
Zanoni Dias and João Meidanis. 2002. Sorting by prefix transpositions. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE’2002), A. H. F. Laender and A. L. Oliveira (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2476. Springer-Verlag Berlin New York, Berlin, Germany, 65–76.
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Pedro Feijao and Joao Meidanis. 2011. SCJ: A breakpoint-like distance that simplifies several rearrangement problems. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 8, 5 (2011), 1318–1329. DOI:
Guillaume Fertin, Loïc Jankowiak, and Géraldine Jean. 2018. Prefix and suffix reversals on strings. Discrete Applied Mathematics 246 (2018), 140–153. DOI:
Guillaume Fertin, Géraldine Jean, and Anthony Labarre. 2022. Sorting genomes by prefix double-cut-and-joins. In String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE’2022). Springer International Publishing, Concepción, Chile, 178–190.
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Gustavo R. Galvão, Orlando Lee, and Zanoni Dias. 2015. Sorting signed permutations by short operations. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 10, 1 (2015), 1–17.
Gustavo R. Galvão, Christian Baudet, and Zanoni Dias. 2017. Sorting circular permutations by super short reversals. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 14, 3 (2017), 620–633.
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Carla Negri Lintzmayer, Guillaume Fertin, and Zanoni Dias. 2017. Sorting permutations by prefix and suffix rearrangements. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 15, 1 (2017), 1750002.
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Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Klairton Lima Brito, Zanoni Dias, and Ulisses Dias. 2019. Sorting by weighted reversals and transpositions. Journal of Computational Biology 26 (2019), 420–431.
Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2017. On the sorting by reversals and transpositions problem. Journal of Universal Computer Science 23 (2017), 868–906.
Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Guillaume Fertin, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2018. Sorting signed circular permutations by super short operations. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 13, 1 (2018), 13.
Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Géraldine Jean, Guillaume Fertin, Klairton Lima Brito, Laurent Bulteau, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2021. Sorting signed permutations by intergenic reversals. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 18, 6 (2021), 2870–2876.
Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Géraldine Jean, Guillaume Fertin, Klairton Lima Brito, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2021. Sorting permutations by intergenic operations. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 18, 6 (2021), 2080–2093.
Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, Géraldine Jean, Guillaume Fertin, Ulisses Dias, and Zanoni Dias. 2019. Super short operations on both gene order and intergenic sizes. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 14, 1 (2019), 1–17.
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Pijus Simonaitis, Annie Chateau, and Krister M. Swenson. 2018. A general framework for genome rearrangement with biological constraints. In Comparative Genomics. Springer International Publishing, 49–71.
Pijus Simonaitis, Annie Chateau, and Krister M. Swenson. 2019. Weighted minimum-length rearrangement scenarios. In 19th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI’2019) (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)), Vol. 143. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, 13:1–13:17.
Pijus Simonaitis and Benjamin J. Raphael. 2022. A maximum parsimony principle for multichromosomal complex genome rearrangements. In 22nd International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI’2022) (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)), Vol. 242. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, 21:1–21:22.
Gabriel Siqueira, Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, and Zanoni Dias. 2022. Signed rearrangement distances considering repeated genes and intergenic regions. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB’2022), Vol. 83. EasyChair, 31–42.
Gabriel Siqueira, Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino, Andre Rodrigues Oliveira, and Zanoni Dias. 2021. Approximation algorithm for rearrangement distances considering repeated genes and intergenic regions. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 16, 1 (2021), 1–23.
Philip Stephens, Chris Greenman, Beiyuan Fu, Fengtang Yang, Graham Bignell, Laura Mudie, Erin Pleasance, King Lau, David Beare, Lucy Stebbings, Stuart Mclaren, Meng-Lay Lin, David McBride, Ignacio Varela, Serena Nik-Zainal, Catherine Leroy, Mingming Jia, Andrew Menzies, Adam Butler, and Peter Campbell. 2011. Massive genomic rearrangement acquired in a single catastrophic event during cancer development. Cell 144 (012011), 27–40. DOI:
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Krister M. Swenson and Pijus Simonaitis. 2018. Finding local genome rearrangements. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 13 (2018), 9–23.
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Eyla Willing, Jens Stoye, and Marília Braga. 2021. Computing the inversion-indel distance. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 18, 6 (2021), 2314–2326.
Eyla Willing, Simone Zaccaria, Marília D. V. Braga, and Jens Stoye. 2013. On the inversion-indel distance. BMC Bioinformatics 14 (2013), S3.
Sophia Yancopoulos, Oliver Attie, and Richard Friedberg. 2005. Efficient sorting of genomic permutations by translocation, inversion and block interchange. Bioinformatics 21, 16 (2005), 3340–3346.
Ron Zeira and Ron Shamir. 2019. Genome rearrangement problems with single and multiple gene copies: A review. In Bioinformatics and Phylogenetics. Springer International Publishing, 205–241.
Shu Zhang, Daming Zhu, Haitao Jiang, Jiong Guo, Haodi Feng, and Xiaowen Liu. 2021. Sorting a permutation by best short swaps. Algorithmica 83, 7 (2021), 1953–1979.

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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 56, Issue 8
August 2024
963 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 26 April 2024
Online AM: 20 March 2024
Accepted: 07 March 2024
Revised: 24 November 2023
Received: 06 February 2023
Published in CSUR Volume 56, Issue 8

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Author Tags

  1. Genome rearrangements
  2. approximation algorithms
  3. sorting permutations
  4. comparative genomics


  • Survey

Funding Sources

  • National Council of Technological and Scientific Development, CNPq
  • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES)
  • São Paulo Research Foundation, FAPESP


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  • (2024)Assignment of orthologous genes in unbalanced genomes using cycle packing of adjacency graphsJournal of Heuristics10.1007/s10732-024-09528-z30:5-6(269-289)Online publication date: 31-May-2024

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