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Gait Gestures: Examining Stride and Foot Strike Variation as an Input Method While Walking

Published: 11 October 2024 Publication History


Walking is a cyclic pattern of alternating footstep strikes, with each pair of steps forming a stride, and a series of strides forming a gait. We conduct a systematic examination of different kinds of intentional variations from a normal gait that could be used as input actions without interrupting overall walking progress. A design space of 22 candidate Gait Gestures is generated by adapting previous standing foot input actions and identifying new actions possible in a walking context. A formative study (n=25) examines movement easiness, social acceptability, and walking compatibility with foot movement logging to calculate temporal and spatial characteristics. Using a categorization of these results, 7 gestures are selected for a wizard-of-oz prototype demonstrating an AR interface controlled by Gait Gestures for ordering food and audio playback while walking. As a technical proof-of-concept, a gait gesture recognizer is developed and tested using the formative study data.

Supplemental Material

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All Gait Gestures Video Demonstration.


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  1. Gait Gestures: Examining Stride and Foot Strike Variation as an Input Method While Walking



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    UIST '24: Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
    October 2024
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    1. foot-based gesture
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    3. mixed reality
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