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MouthIO: Fabricating Customizable Oral User Interfaces with Integrated Sensing and Actuation

Published: 11 October 2024 Publication History


This paper introduces MouthIO, the first customizable intraoral user interface that can be equipped with various sensors and output components. MouthIO consists of an SLA-printed brace that houses a flexible PCB within a bite-proof enclosure positioned between the molar teeth and inner cheeks. Our MouthIO design and fabrication technique enables makers to customize the oral user interfaces in both form and function at low cost. All parts in contact with the oral cavity are made of bio-compatible materials to ensure safety, while the design takes into account both comfort and portability. We demonstrate MouthIO through three application examples ranging from beverage consumption monitoring, health monitoring, to assistive technology. Results from our full-day user study indicate high wearability and social acceptance levels, while our technical evaluation demonstrates the device’s ability to withstand adult bite forces.

Supplemental Material

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Results from the user study questionnaires


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  • (2024)Demonstration of MouthIO: Customizable Oral User Interfaces with Integrated Sensing and ActuationAdjunct Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology10.1145/3672539.3686758(1-3)Online publication date: 13-Oct-2024

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  1. MouthIO: Fabricating Customizable Oral User Interfaces with Integrated Sensing and Actuation



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      UIST '24: Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
      October 2024
      2334 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 11 October 2024

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      1. Fabrication
      2. Flexible Circuits
      3. Oral Interface
      4. Wearable Computing


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      • (2024)Demonstration of MouthIO: Customizable Oral User Interfaces with Integrated Sensing and ActuationAdjunct Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology10.1145/3672539.3686758(1-3)Online publication date: 13-Oct-2024

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