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Building Material Counting in Warehouse Scenario Based on Multi-Dilation Rates and Attention Mechanism

Published: 28 June 2024 Publication History


Automated counting is an essential procedure in the inventory management of building materials. However, existing methods primarily cater to construction site scenarios, leaving counting in building material warehouses reliant on manual labor. The challenges posed by variations in scale, complex backgrounds, occlusion, and mixed placement of different types of materials result in counting difficulties. Furthermore, current density-map-based models in the field cannot simultaneously detect and count multiple types of building materials in the same image. In this paper, we introduce multi-category object detection and counting methods to the building material warehouse scenario and propose a network architecture that effectively addresses these challenges. Our approach incorporates multiple attention mechanisms to enhance foreground features and reduce inter-class interferences. Additionally, the employment of dilated-convolution augments our architecture's capability in extracting multi-scale information, enhancing its prowess in discernment. Experimental results demonstrated that our model outperformed other models in detecting and counting different types of building materials.


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Index Terms

  1. Building Material Counting in Warehouse Scenario Based on Multi-Dilation Rates and Attention Mechanism



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    ICRSA '23: Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Robot Systems and Applications
    September 2023
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 28 June 2024


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    1. Construction material counting
    2. Multi-scale
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