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Cotton seedling counting algorithm based on semantic guidance

Published: 28 June 2024 Publication History


Abstract: To solve the problem of low efficiency, time-consuming and laborious manual statistics of cotton seedling numbers, a cotton seedling counting algorithm based on semantic guidance was proposed. The algorithm consisted of a VGG-16 backbone network, a counting branch, and a segmentation branch. The VGG-16 backbone network is used to extract the features of the input image, segmentation branch as semantic guidance is assisted in counting branch learning, and the counting branch is used to generate predicted density map and obtain the number of seedlings in the image. On the cotton seedling dataset, compared to the best performance contrast counting algorithm, the proposed algorithm reduced MAE by 22%, RMSE by 17%, rMAE by 1.31%, rRMSE by 0.56%, and increased <Formula format="inline"><TexMath><?TeX ${{\boldsymbol{R}}}^2$ ?></TexMath><File name="a00--inline1" type="gif"/></Formula> by nearly 1%.


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Index Terms

  1. Cotton seedling counting algorithm based on semantic guidance



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    ICRSA '23: Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Robot Systems and Applications
    September 2023
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    Published: 28 June 2024


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    1. Computer Vision
    2. Cotton Seedling
    3. Object Counting


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