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FriendlyFoe: Adversarial Machine Learning as a Practical Architectural Defense against Side Channel Attacks

Published: 13 October 2024 Publication History


Machine learning (ML)-based side channel attacks have become prominent threats to computer security. These attacks are often powerful, as ML models easily find patterns in signals. To address this problem, this paper proposes dynamically applying Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) to obfuscate side channels. The rationale is that it has been shown that intelligently injecting an adversarial perturbation can confuse ML classifiers. We call this approach FriendlyFoe and the neural network we introduce to perturb signals FriendlyFoe Defender.
FriendlyFoe is a practical, effective, and general architectural technique to obfuscate signals. We show a workflow to design Defenders with low overhead and information leakage, and to customize them for different environments. Defenders are transferable, i.e., they thwart attacker classifiers that are different from those used to train the Defenders. They also resist adaptive attacks, where attackers train using the obfuscated signals collected while the Defender is active. Finally, the approach is general enough to be applicable to different environments. We demonstrate FriendlyFoe against two side channel attacks: one based on memory contention and one on system power. The first example uses a hardware Defender with ns-level response time that, for the same level of security as a Pad-to-Constant scheme, has 27% and 64% lower performance overhead for single- and multi-threaded workloads, respectively. The second example uses a software Defender with ms-level response time that reduces leakage by 3.7 × over a state-of-the-art scheme while reducing the energy overhead by 22.5%.


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Index Terms

  1. FriendlyFoe: Adversarial Machine Learning as a Practical Architectural Defense against Side Channel Attacks



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    PACT '24: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
    October 2024
    375 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 13 October 2024

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    1. Hardware security
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