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StepNet: Spatial-temporal Part-aware Network for Isolated Sign Language Recognition

Published: 16 May 2024 Publication History


The goal of sign language recognition (SLR) is to help those who are hard of hearing or deaf overcome the communication barrier. Most existing approaches can be typically divided into two lines, i.e., Skeleton-based, and RGB-based methods, but both lines of methods have their limitations. Skeleton-based methods do not consider facial expressions, while RGB-based approaches usually ignore the fine-grained hand structure. To overcome both limitations, we propose a new framework called the Spatial-temporal Part-aware network (StepNet), based on RGB parts. As its name suggests, it is made up of two modules: Part-level Spatial Modeling and Part-level Temporal Modeling. Part-level Spatial Modeling, in particular, automatically captures the appearance-based properties, such as hands and faces, in the feature space without the use of any keypoint-level annotations. On the other hand, Part-level Temporal Modeling implicitly mines the long short-term context to capture the relevant attributes over time. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our StepNet, thanks to spatial-temporal modules, achieves competitive Top-1 Per-instance accuracy on three commonly used SLR benchmarks, i.e., 56.89% on WLASL, 77.2% on NMFs-CSL, and 77.1% on BOBSL. Additionally, the proposed method is compatible with the optical flow input and can produce superior performance if fused. For those who are hard of hearing, we hope that our work can act as a preliminary step.


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  1. StepNet: Spatial-temporal Part-aware Network for Isolated Sign Language Recognition



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
      ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications  Volume 20, Issue 7
      July 2024
      973 pages
      • Editor:
      • Abdulmotaleb El Saddik
      Issue’s Table of Contents


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 16 May 2024
      Online AM: 03 April 2024
      Accepted: 14 March 2024
      Revised: 13 February 2024
      Received: 08 October 2023
      Published in TOMM Volume 20, Issue 7

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      Author Tags

      1. Sign language recognition
      2. video analysis


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      • National Natural Science Foundation of China
      • Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities


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