Cited By
View all- Hodent CBlumberg FDeterding S(2024)Ethical Games: Toward Evidence-Based Guidance for Safeguarding Players and DevelopersGames: Research and Practice10.1145/36852072:2(1-11)Online publication date: 29-Jul-2024
Twitter is one of the most commonly used Online Social Networks in the world and it has consequently attracted considerable attention from different political groups attempting to gain influence. Among these groups is the alt-right; a modern far-...
Research shows that Twitter is being misused as a platform for online radicalization and contains several hate and extremism promoting users and tweets violating the community guidelines of the website. Manual identification of such tweets is ...
Non-profits, as well as the media, have hypothesized the existence of a radicalization pipeline on YouTube, claiming that users systematically progress towards more extreme content on the platform. Yet, there is to date no substantial quantitative ...
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