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Area ReSTIR: Resampling for Real-Time Defocus and Antialiasing

Published: 19 July 2024 Publication History


Recent advancements in spatiotemporal reservoir resampling (ReSTIR) leverage sample reuse from neighbors to efficiently evaluate the path integral. Like rasterization, ReSTIR methods implicitly assume a pinhole camera and evaluate the light arriving at a pixel through a single predetermined subpixel location at a time (e.g., the pixel center). This prevents efficient path reuse in and near pixels with high-frequency details.
We introduce Area ReSTIR, extending ReSTIR reservoirs to also integrate each pixel's 4D ray space, including 2D areas on the film and lens. We design novel subpixel-tracking temporal reuse and shift mappings that maximize resampling quality in such regions. This robustifies ReSTIR against high-frequency content, letting us importance sample subpixel and lens coordinates and efficiently render antialiasing and depth of field.

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  • (2024)Efficient Environment Map Rendering Based on DecompositionComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/cgf.15264Online publication date: 22-Oct-2024

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  1. Area ReSTIR: Resampling for Real-Time Defocus and Antialiasing



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Graphics
    ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 43, Issue 4
    July 2024
    1774 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 19 July 2024
    Published in TOG Volume 43, Issue 4

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    Author Tags

    1. real-time ray tracing
    2. resampled importance sampling
    3. ReSTIR
    4. depth-of-field
    5. antialiasing


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    • (2024)Efficient Environment Map Rendering Based on DecompositionComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/cgf.15264Online publication date: 22-Oct-2024

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