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Isolate and Detect the Untrusted Driver with a Virtual Box

Published: 09 December 2024 Publication History


In kernel, the driver code is much more than the core code, thus having a larger attack surface. Especially for the untrusted drivers without source code, they may come from the hot-plug hardware or the user without security knowledge. Traditional isolation methods require analyzing source code to set checkpoints in the driver for control flow protection, which are not available for closed-source drivers. Evenworse, the existing isolation methods can only prevent the hijacked control flows entering/existing drivers, while they cannot discover the illegal control flows inside drivers. Although the kernel address space location randomization (KASLR) can defend against control flow hijacking, it can be bypassed by code probes. In response to these issues, this paper proposes a novel method Dbox to isolate and detect the untrusted drivers whose source code is unavailable. Dbox creates a light hypervisor to monitor and analyze the untrusted driver's behavior without relying on source code. It isolates the untrusted driver in a private space and dynamically changes its virtual space through a sliding space mechanism. Under the protection of Dbox, all control flows jumping to/from untrusted drivers can be detected. Experiments and analysis show that Dbox has good protection against code probes, kernel rootkits and code reuse attacks, and the overhead introduced to the operating system is less than 3.6% in general scenarios.


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  1. Isolate and Detect the Untrusted Driver with a Virtual Box



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    1. code reuse attacks
    2. driver security
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