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The Luckiest Network Gives the Average Error on Disjoint Tests: Experiments

Published: 12 June 2024 Publication History


This is an experimental paper associated with the theoretical paper Weng [34] addressing the issue of “Deep Learning” misconduct in particular and Post-Selection in general because Post-Selection has contaminated beyond Deep Learning. Regardless of learning modes, almost all machine learning methods (except for a few methods that train a sole system) are rooted in the same misconduct— cheating and hiding—(1) cheating in the absence of a test and (2) hiding bad-looking data. The remaining open question is what is the expected error if the absence of a test in Misconduct (1) is corrected by conducting a test. Weng [34] has theoretically and mathematically proven that the expected error of the luckiest network on the validation set is the average of all trained networks including those bad-looking networks that were hidden by Misconduct (2). We conducted experiments in realistic synthetic environments, where a robot navigates using its camera. The virtual robot is controlled by a CNN-LSTM system that consists of a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Compared with Developmental Networks (DN), the CNN-LSTM performed considerably worse than DN in new tests. This is true even when the luckiest on the validation set is compared with the sole DN. The luckiest CNN-LSTM performed indeed only like the average of all trained LSTM networks, including good-luck ones and bad-luck ones on the validation set. This first-ever experimental paper has experimentally confirmed the theoretical and mathematically proven results in [34]. Namely, for a realistic AI problem, the luck on a random sample (a validation set) does not transfer to another random sample (a disjoint test).


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AIEE '24: Proceedings of the 2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Electronics Engineering
January 2024
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 12 June 2024


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  1. Deep Learning
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Misconduct
  4. Neural Networks
  5. Post-Selection


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  • Refereed limited

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  • The Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities


AIEE 2024


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