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Research on Improved OLLVM Based on Code Rearrangement Architecture

Published: 29 May 2024 Publication History


Code obfuscation increases the difficulty of reverse engineering software and devices, improves the security of software and devices, and also prevents governments, enterprises, and socially important groups from the loss of information leakage. In recent years, with the continuous rise of LLVM architecture, OLLVM obfuscation solves cross-platform code obfuscation while increasing the difficulty of reverse engineering. for OLLVM obfuscation, we propose an improvement scheme for OLLVM obfuscation, which improves the degree of obfuscation of OLLVM and increases the difficulty of reverse engineering of software and device source code. Firstly, we propose an obfuscation scheme for code rearrangement; secondly, for control flow obfuscation, we propose an improvement scheme for NOLLVM control flow obfuscation and add an enhancement obfuscation module to increase the obfuscation capability of OLLVM, and lastly, the obfuscation effect of the code rearrangement scheme and the enhancement effect of the control flow obfuscation improvement module are verified through experiments and verified to improve the software and device source codes' Security.


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BDEIM '23: Proceedings of the 2023 4th International Conference on Big Data Economy and Information Management
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Published: 29 May 2024


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