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Towards Comprehending Energy Consumption of Database Management Systems - A Tool and Empirical Study

Published: 18 June 2024 Publication History


In the dynamic landscape of contemporary data-driven technologies, software systems depend significantly on vast datasets and ongoing data center operations that utilize diverse database systems to facilitate computationally intensive tasks. The management of vast amounts of data also introduces challenges related to energy efficiency. With the growing concern over energy consumption in software systems, the selection of a Green database system for its energy efficiency becomes crucial. While various software components have been scrutinized for their energy consumption, there exists a gap in the software engineering literature concerning the energy efficiency of database management systems. To bridge this gap, we performed an empirical study to investigate the energy consumption of queries associated with popular database systems namely MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Couchbase. Our assessments, performed on three commonly used datasets, uncover substantial variations in the energy consumption of these database systems. The study suggests a potential need for optimizing energy usage in various database systems, enhancing developer awareness of the impact of running queries on energy consumption. This empowers them to make informed, sustainable choices, warranting further research in this area.


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  • (2024)Method for Calculating the Uncertainty range of Avoided Primary Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact applied to Data Analysis Software Services and Solar ElectricityInternational Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development10.37394/232033.2024.2.252(283-289)Online publication date: 30-Dec-2024

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  1. Towards Comprehending Energy Consumption of Database Management Systems - A Tool and Empirical Study



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    EASE '24: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
    June 2024
    728 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 18 June 2024

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    1. Couchbase
    2. Energy consumption
    3. MongoDB
    4. MySQL
    5. PostgreSQL


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    • (2024)Method for Calculating the Uncertainty range of Avoided Primary Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact applied to Data Analysis Software Services and Solar ElectricityInternational Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development10.37394/232033.2024.2.252(283-289)Online publication date: 30-Dec-2024

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