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Cultural and Socio-Technical Aspects in Software Development

Published: 18 June 2024 Publication History


Software development is essentially a collaborative, socio-technical endeavor where the interplay between stakeholders and technical elements is integral. This synergy becomes particularly crucial in the context of geographically dispersed teams, a practice that is becoming more prevalent. Despite the ubiquity of this nature, the current body of research in Global Software Development (GSD) encounters limitations, rendering the attained results less accessible for practical implementation by industry professionals. Moreover, the role of social debt, the additional cost derived by adopting socio-technical anti-patterns, in GSD still needs to be deepened. This Ph.D. research project aims to surmount these challenges by constructing a robust theoretical foundation for effectively managing socio-technical aspects—particularly in the form of factors related to social debt—in software development, with a keen focus on their correlation with cultural differences within software teams. The framework systematically captures and examines cultural differences, investigating their ramifications on various facets of software development while exploring practical strategies employed by practitioners to navigate these influences. Furthermore, the project aspires to make substantial contributions to the professional software development realm by translating research findings into tangible tools for practitioners. This framework is designed not only for immediate application but also to facilitate project success through heightened cultural awareness and adaptability. Ultimately, it strives to enhance the well-being of developers working in inclusive and culturally diverse environments.


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EASE '24: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
June 2024
728 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 18 June 2024

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  1. Community Smells
  2. Cultural Dispersion
  3. Global Software Development
  4. Social Debt
  5. Socio-Technical Aspects


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  • Research
  • Refereed limited


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