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Record, Transcribe, Share: An Accessible Open-Source Video Platform for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Viewers

Published: 27 October 2024 Publication History


Providing accessible videos is crucial for enabling access to a diverse audience. However, creating and distributing such videos demands significant effort and technical expertise. While several commercial platforms offer all-in-one solutions with a strong user experience, their use can be hindered by privacy concerns and budget constraints, particularly in Higher Education settings. To address this issue, we present an open-source platform that integrates several open-source developments in Automatic Speech Recognition and real-time collaboration.1 The platform serves both as a production-ready system and as a testbed for exploring new technologies and ideas through user evaluations. It supports a seamless workflow from video capture to transcription and delivery in both offline and real-time scenarios. We describe the design of the system, the design decisions informed by previous studies, its implementation and, preliminary evaluation results. The platform can be used by educational institutions to provide accessible video content and by researchers for further development and experimentation.


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ASSETS '24: Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
October 2024
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