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Towards Post-Quantum Verifiable Credentials

Published: 30 July 2024 Publication History


Verifiable Credentials (VCs) allow users to assert claims about themselves in a cryptographically-verifiable way. In last the few years, several different VC schemes have emerged, offering varying levels of privacy through different cryptographic techniques. Current VC implementations aim for security against attacks that use classical computers, but the cryptography in use is vulnerable to attacks if the full power of quantum computing is ever realised. Addressing this threat is important as VCs are gaining traction for applications with safety and security implications (e.g. the mobile Driver’s License (mDL)). This work examines the cryptographic underpinnings of VCs to discuss quantum-safety, and makes recommendations regarding the next steps in the transition to post-quantum cryptography.


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ARES '24: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
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