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Deciphering Perceptual Quality in Colored Point Cloud: Prioritizing Geometry or Texture Distortion?

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Point clouds represent one of the prevalent formats for 3D content. Distortions introduced at various stages in the point cloud processing pipeline affect the visual quality, altering their geometric composition, texture information, or both. Understanding and quantifying the impact of the distortion domain on visual quality is vital to driving rate optimization and guiding post-processing steps to improve the quality of experience. In this paper, we propose a multi-task guided multi-modality no reference metric (M3-Unity), which utilizes 4 types of modalities across attributes and dimensionalities to represent point clouds. An attention mechanism establishes inter/intra associations among 3D/2D patches, which can complement each other, yielding local and global features, to fit the highly nonlinear property of the human vision system. A multi-task decoder involving distortion type classification selects the best association among 4 modalities, aiding the regression task and enabling the in-depth analysis of the interplay between geometrical and textural distortions. Furthermore, our framework design and attention strategy enable us to measure the impact of individual attributes and their combinations, providing insights into how these associations contribute particularly in relation to distortion type. Extensive experimental results on 4 datasets consistently outperform the state-of-the-art metrics by a large margin. The code is available at


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Index Terms

  1. Deciphering Perceptual Quality in Colored Point Cloud: Prioritizing Geometry or Texture Distortion?



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    MM '24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia
    October 2024
    11719 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 28 October 2024

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    1. geometry and texture
    2. multi-modal
    3. multi-task
    4. objective quality assessment
    5. point cloud


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    MM '24
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    October 28 - November 1, 2024
    Melbourne VIC, Australia

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