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Virtual Agent Positioning Driven by Personal Characteristics

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


When people use agent characters to travel through different spaces (such as virtual scenes and real scenes, or different game spaces), it is important to reasonably position the characters in the new scene according to their personal characteristics. In this paper, we propose a novel pipeline for relocating virtual agents in new scenarios based on their personal characteristics. We extract the characteristics of the characters (including figure, posture, social distance). Then a cost function is designed to evaluate the agent's position in the scene, which consists of a spatial term and an personalized term. Finally, a a Markov Chain Monte Carlo optimization method is applied to search for the optimized solution. The results generated by our approach are evaluated through extensive user study experiments, verifying the effectiveness of our approach compared with other alternative approaches.


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  1. Virtual Agent Positioning Driven by Personal Characteristics



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    Published: 28 October 2024


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    1. human-centered computing
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    3. virtual agent positioning.


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