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MAGIC: Rethinking Dynamic Convolution Design for Medical Image Segmentation

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Recently, dynamic convolution shows performance boost for the CNN-related networks in medical image segmentation. The core idea is to replace static convolutional kernel with a linear combination of multiple convolutional kernels, conditioned on input-dependent attention function. However, the existing dynamic convolution design suffers from two limitations: i) The convolutional kernels are weighted by enforcing a single-dimensional attention function upon the input maps, overlooking the synergy in multi-dimensional information. This results in sub-optimal computations of convolution kernels. ii) The linear kernel aggregation is inefficient, restricting the model's capacity to learn more intricate patterns. In this paper, we rethink the dynamic convolution design to address these limitations and propose multi-dimensional aggregation dynamic convolution (MAGIC). Specifically, our MAGIC introduce a dimensional-reciprocal fusion module to capture correlations among input maps across the spatial, channel, and global dimensions simultaneously for computing convolutional kernels. Furthermore, we design kernel recalculation module, which enhances the efficiency of aggregation through learning the interaction between kernels. As a drop-in replacement for regular convolution, our MAGIC can be flexibly integrated into prevalent pure CNN or hybrid CNN-Transformer backbones. The extensive experiments on four benchmarks demonstrate that our MAGIC outperforms regular convolution and existing dynamic convolution. Code is available at:


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Index Terms

  1. MAGIC: Rethinking Dynamic Convolution Design for Medical Image Segmentation



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    1. dimensional-reciprocal fusion
    2. kernel recalculation
    3. medical image segmentation
    4. multi-dimensional aggregation dynamic convolution


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    October 28 - November 1, 2024
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