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In-Context Learning for Zero-shot Medical Report Generation

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Medical report generation (MRG) has emerged as a pivotal research topic in the medical multi-modal field, given its potential to alleviate the heavy workloads of radiologists. Recently, advancements have been made with MRG systems that leverage large multimodal models (LMMs) to generate high-quality reports. To address the challenge of collecting large amounts of paired medical image-report data for training, this paper proposes a zero-shot report generation model based on in-context learning, we call it MCVGen. Departing from traditional in-context learning approaches that directly feed all demonstrations to a pre-trained large model, this work innovates by employing a multi-modal contextual vector (MCV) to represent the contextual information of demonstrations. Initially, we pre-train a medical large multi-modal model (Med-LMM) and secure the last hidden state of each demonstration through the forward pass in Med-LMM. Benefits from the auto-regressive mechanism, the last hidden state garners critical information to the targeted scenarios. Subsequently, we average the multiple MCVs and integrate them with the first hidden state on the new query, thereby shifting the latent states and guiding the model toward acquiring previously unlearned multi-modal contextual information. This approach has the advantage of regulating the number of prompts, thus reducing computational costs. We tested our model on the publicly available IU X-ray and MIMIC datasets, demonstrating its exceptional zero-shot capability on both cross-center and cross-disease evaluations. We hope it could be a viable solution for practical clinical applications.


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  1. In-Context Learning for Zero-shot Medical Report Generation



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    Published: 28 October 2024


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    1. large multi-modal model
    2. medical report generation
    3. multi-modal in-context learning
    4. zero-shot


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    October 28 - November 1, 2024
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