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Reliable Attribute-missing Multi-view Clustering with Instance-level and feature-level Cooperative Imputation

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Multi-view clustering (MVC) constitutes a distinct approach to data mining within the field of machine learning. Due to limitations in the data collection process, missing attributes are frequently encountered. However, existing MVC methods primarily focus on missing instances, showing limited attention to missing attributes. A small number of studies employ the reconstruction of missing instances to address missing attributes, potentially overlooking the synergistic effects between the instance and feature spaces, which could lead to distorted imputation outcomes. Furthermore, current methods uniformly treat all missing attributes as zero values, thus failing to differentiate between real and technical zeroes, potentially resulting in data over-imputation. To mitigate these challenges, we introduce a novel Reliable Attribute-Missing Multi-View Clustering method (RAM-MVC). Specifically, feature reconstruction is utilized to address missing attributes, while similarity graphs are simultaneously constructed within the instance and feature spaces. By leveraging structural information from both spaces, RAM-MVC learns a high-quality feature reconstruction matrix during the joint optimization process. Additionally, we introduce a reliable imputation guidance module that distinguishes between real and technical attribute-missing events, enabling discriminative imputation. The proposed RAM-MVC method outperforms nine baseline methods, as evidenced by real-world experiments using single-cell multi-view data.


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