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Hearing the Moment with MetaEcho! From Physical to Virtual in Synchronized Sound Recording

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


In film education, high expenses and limited space significantly challenge teaching synchronized sound recording (SSR). Traditional methods, which emphasize theory with limited practical experience, often fail to bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application. As such, we introduce MetaEcho, an educational virtual reality leveraging the presence theory for teaching SSR. MetaEcho provides realistic simulations of various recording equipment and facilitates communication between learners and instructors, offering an immersive learning experience that closely mirrors actual practices. An evaluation with 24 students demonstrated that MetaEcho surpasses the traditional method in presence, collaboration, usability, realism, comprehensibility, and creativity. Three experts also commented on the benefits of MetaEcho and the opportunities for promoting SSR education in the metaverse era.


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  1. Hearing the Moment with MetaEcho! From Physical to Virtual in Synchronized Sound Recording



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    Published: 28 October 2024


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    1. arts education
    2. presence
    3. sync sound
    4. virtual reality


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    • Hong Kong Polytechnic University?s Start-up Fund for New Recruits


    MM '24
    MM '24: The 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia
    October 28 - November 1, 2024
    Melbourne VIC, Australia

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