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Generating Multimodal Metaphorical Features for Meme Understanding

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Understanding a meme is a challenging task, due to the metaphorical information contained in the meme that requires intricate interpretation to grasp its intended meaning fully. In previous works, attempts have been made to facilitate computational understanding of memes through introducing human-annotated metaphors as extra input features into machine learning models. However, these approaches mainly focus on formulating linguistic representation of a metaphor (extracted from the texts appearing in memes), while ignoring the connection between the metaphor and corresponding visual features (e.g., objects in meme images). In this paper, we argue that a more comprehensive understanding of memes can only be achieved through a joint modelling of both visual and linguistic features of memes. To this end, we propose an approach to generate Multimodal Metaphorical feature for Meme Classification, named MMMC. MMMC derives visual characteristics from linguistic attributes of metaphorical concepts, which more effectively convey the underlying metaphorical concept, leveraging a text-conditioned generative adversarial network. The linguistic and visual features are then integrated into a set of multimodal metaphorical features for classification purpose. We perform extensive experiments on a benchmark metaphorical meme dataset, MET-Meme. Experimental results show that MMMC significantly outperforms existing baselines on the task of emotion classification and intention detection. Our code and dataset are available at


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  1. Generating Multimodal Metaphorical Features for Meme Understanding



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      1. meme understanding
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