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On The Performance of EMA-Synchronized Speech and Stand-alone Speech in Speech Recognition and Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion

Published: 03 July 2024 Publication History


Synchronized acoustic-articulatory data is the basis of various applications, such as exploring the fundamental mechanisms of speech production, acoustic to articulatory inversion (AAI), articulatory to acoustic mapping, etc. Most of the studies in these fields directly trained various models with EMA-synchronized speech, while the target inputs or outputs are stand-alone speech in real applications. However, the recording conditions of EMA-synchronized speech and stand-alone speech are different, which may make the EMA-synchronized speech different to the stand-alone speech and degrade the performance of downstream tasks. Hence, it is necessary to shed light on whether the EMA-synchronized speech and stand-alone speech signals are different, and if so, how this affects the performance of the models trained with synchronized acoustic-articulatory data. In this study, we explore differences between EMA-synchronized speech and stand-alone speech from the aspect of speech recognition, and its influence on the performance of AAI. The results indicate the performance of phone error rate increases from 7.8% for stand-alone speech to 37.4% for EMA-synchronized speech, and the RMSE increases from 0.71mm for EMA- synchronized speech to 3.07mm when the input is switched from EMA-synchronized speech to stand-alone speech for the AAI model trained with EMA-synchronized speech.


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GAIIS '24: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Generative Artificial Intelligence and Information Security
May 2024
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Published: 03 July 2024


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