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Tiresias: Optimizing NUMA Performance with CXL Memory and Locality-Aware Process Scheduling

Published: 30 July 2024 Publication History


The growing demand for memory systems with larger capacities and faster data transfer speeds has driven progress in the widespread adoption of multi-socket machines and memory expansion through Compute eXpress Link (CXL). However, processes running on such multi-socket machines suffer non-uniform bandwidth and latency when accessing physical memory. Despite prior efforts to propose data allocation and placement strategies in NUMA environments over the years, they still fall short due to the semantic gap between the process scheduling and memory access pattern – the process scheduler has limited knowledge of its running processes’ memory access latency. Actually, the latency of memory access is influenced not only by the distance between NUMA nodes but also by the memory bandwidth pressure, especially in scenarios involving co-located workloads. We propose Tiresias, a feedback-based controller that migrates NUMA effects on data access latency by transparently employing memory locality-aware process scheduling and provisioning differentiated memory bandwidth allocations with assistance from CXL memory. Tiresias exploits multiple resource optimization techniques, including (1) workload-aware and software-based memory bandwidth management, (2) a memory page migration strategy to alleviate memory bandwidth contention by leveraging CXL memory, and (3) page-table self-replication (PTSR) based locality-aware process scheduling. To evaluate the impact of Tiresias on performance, we conduct an analysis that focuses on the temporal and spatial correlation of memory access patterns.


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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    ACM-TURC '24: Proceedings of the ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference - China 2024
    July 2024
    261 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 30 July 2024

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    Author Tags

    1. CXL
    2. NUMA
    3. TLB
    4. memory tiering
    5. page-table replication


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    ACM-TURC '24


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