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AudioMove: Applying the Spatial Audio to Multi-Directional Limb Exercise Guidance

Published: 24 September 2024 Publication History


Guiding users with limb exercise can assist in muscle training or physical recovery. However, traditional vision-based methods often require multiple camera angles to help users understand the motions and require them to be within the range of the screen. Therefore, we propose a non-visual system that can guide users with multiple-directional limb motions utilizing spatial audio, AudioMove, with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) devices (i.e., smartphones and earphones). The proposed system addresses the challenge of conveying directional information encompassing multiple planes in real-time. We conduct a mixed-method user study to evaluate the effectiveness of the system with three methods combining motion data with spatial audio perception. Additionally, a user interface is built to collect users' comments. The results conclude that spatial audio guidance could create a natural, pervasive, and non-visual exercise training solution in daily life.

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Index Terms

  1. AudioMove: Applying the Spatial Audio to Multi-Directional Limb Exercise Guidance



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue MHCI
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    5. spatial audio


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