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Developing a Group-Based Literacy Screening for German Pre-Readers: A Digital, Game-Based Approach

Published: 24 September 2024 Publication History


Early prediction of children's literacy skills is crucial for successful literacy development. However, standardized screenings for pre-readers are mainly paper-based and designed for one-on-one sessions, demanding significant resources. We present the development and feasibility evaluation of a digital, game-based literacy screening for German pre-readers that supports group sessions. The screening comprises five tasks that do not rely on written language skills. We detail critical design decisions and guidelines for the effective implementation of this group-based screening. We evaluated the feasibility and user experience with 34 German second- and third-graders. Results revealed that the screening is suitable for use in group settings and that it was positively perceived by the children. Children found the tasks enganging and straightforward, often perceiving them as games. This study demonstrates that digital game-based screenings can be used effectively in group settings with young children with minimal adult guidance, offering a motivating and engaging assessment method.


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Published: 24 September 2024
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  1. child-computer interaction
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  5. pre-reader


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