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Experience from Designing Augmented Reality Browsing Interfaces for Real-world Walking Scenarios

Published: 24 September 2024 Publication History


Mobile phones have enabled users to browse information in varying mobility contexts. For high-mobility settings such as walking, however, phones pose several usability challenges, particularly safety and limited screen sizes. While Augmented Reality (AR) has been proposed to address these issues, prior work has yet to investigate AR interface design in real-world walking conditions beyond text readability and notification design. This paper presents the first exploration of AR browsing interface design and extended usage while walking in the wild. We first conducted design sessions with 12 UI designers while walking in varied environments to design the window size, distance, opacity, anchor type, and placement for three categories of apps: text, video, and mixed content. Results show that traffic level significantly affects the designed window size, whereas content type significantly affects window size, distance, opacity, and vertical placement. To gain further insights from real-world usage, we conducted a multi-day observational study with 5 participants and observed that participants on average switched among window layouts every 3.3 minutes, for reasons such as safety and the level of extended visual attention.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue MHCI
September 2024
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Published: 24 September 2024
Published in PACMHCI Volume 8, Issue MHCI


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  1. augmented reality
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  3. walking user interface


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