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Fostering people's autonomy by foregrounding and questioning daily choices

Published: 13 October 2024 Publication History


The experience of autonomy is central to people's wellbeing. Self-Determination Theory suggests that one way to experience autonomy is by making choices that align with one's values and identity. This requires to reflect on what is personally relevant and how a particular choice relates to this. Everyday life consists of a constant stream of choices. However, people often overlook the relevance of everyday choices and rather delegate them to routines or even others. As a consequence, people often miss out on asking themselves whether their routines are still aligned with their values and identity. In this paper, we explore whether and how technology can foster autonomy by foregrounding daily choices and evoking reflection on their alignment with themselves. Intervention interviews (N=8) showed that foregrounding daily choices facilitates self-reflection, and allows to uncover unaligned choices, which in turn fosters autonomy. We present an initial framework for designing technology to improve autonomy.


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  1. Fostering people's autonomy by foregrounding and questioning daily choices



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Other conferences
    NordiCHI '24 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2024 Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
    October 2024
    385 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 13 October 2024

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    Author Tags

    1. Autonomy enhancement
    2. Self-determination-theory
    3. choice-making
    4. everyday life
    5. self-reflection


    • Extended-abstract
    • Research
    • Refereed limited

    Funding Sources

    • German Federal Ministry of Education and Research


    NordiCHI Adjunct 2024

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