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Sketchar: Supporting Character Design and Illustration Prototyping Using Generative AI

Published: 15 October 2024 Publication History


Character design in games involves interdisciplinary collaborations, typically between designers who create the narrative content, and illustrators who realize the design vision. However, traditional workflows face challenges in communication due to the differing backgrounds of illustrators and designers, the latter with limited artistic abilities. To overcome these challenges, we created Sketchar, a Generative AI (GenAI) tool that allows designers to prototype game characters and generate images based on conceptual input, providing visual outcomes that can give immediate feedback and enhance communication with illustrators' next step in the design cycle. We conducted a mixed-method study to evaluate the interaction between game designers and Sketchar. We showed that the reference images generated in co-creating with Sketchar fostered refinement of design details and can be incorporated into real-world workflows. Moreover, designers without artistic backgrounds found the Sketchar workflow to be more expressive and worthwhile. This research demonstrates the potential of GenAI in enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration in the game industry, enabling designers to interact beyond their own limited expertise.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File
Supplemental video
ZIP File
1. The .srt file is the subtitle for the final video. 2. The .mp4 file is another video for demonstrating our system Sketchar.


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Index Terms

  1. Sketchar: Supporting Character Design and Illustration Prototyping Using Generative AI



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue CHI PLAY
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