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Artificial Intelligence inspired method for cross-lingual cyberhate detection from low resource languages

Published: 16 August 2024 Publication History


The appearance of inflammatory language on social media by college or university students is quite prevalent, inspiring platforms to engage in community safety mechanisms. Escalating hate speech entails creating sophisticated artificial intelligence-based, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms to detect offensive internet content. With a few noteworthy exceptions, the majority of the studies on automatic hate speech recognition have emphasized high-resource languages, mainly English. We bridge this gap by addressing hate speech detection in Punjabi (Gurmukhi), a low-resource Indo-Aryan language articulated in Indian educational institutions. This research identifies cross-lingual hate speech in the code-switched English-Punjabi language used on social media. It proposes an approach combining the best hate speech detection techniques to cover existing state-of-the-art system gaps and limitations. In this method, the Roman Punjabi is transliterated, and then Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer (BERT) based models are employed for hate detection. The proposed model has achieved 0.86 precision and 0.83 recall, and various higher educational institutions could employ it to discover the issues/domains where hate prevails the most.


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  • (2024)A Fine Grained Sentiment Analysis of Arabic LanguageVAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences10.21015/vtcs.v12i2.192612:2(178-190)Online publication date: 4-Dec-2024

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  1. Artificial Intelligence inspired method for cross-lingual cyberhate detection from low resource languages



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      cover image ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing
      ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing  Volume 23, Issue 9
      September 2024
      186 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 16 August 2024
      Online AM: 11 July 2024
      Accepted: 02 June 2024
      Revised: 19 March 2024
      Received: 18 October 2023
      Published in TALLIP Volume 23, Issue 9

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      1. Artificial Intelligence
      2. cross-lingual
      3. cyberhate
      4. low resource languages
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      • (2024)A Fine Grained Sentiment Analysis of Arabic LanguageVAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences10.21015/vtcs.v12i2.192612:2(178-190)Online publication date: 4-Dec-2024

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