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Comfort in Automated Driving: A Literature Survey and a High-Level Integrative Framework

Published: 09 September 2024 Publication History


The advancement of automated vehicle technology and the resulting shift from active driver control to a more passive role introduce previously unexplored factors that influence drivers' comfort. Examples include the vehicle's level of automation and the driver's preferred driving style, trust in the vehicle, and situation awareness. To structure these as a resource that can support future research, we conducted a comprehensive literature review, identifying 51 works that directly or peripherally address comfort in an automated driving context. Most of these works focus on the physical component of comfort, rooted in vehicle dynamics, while only a few consider a broader concept of comfort necessary to encompass a more expansive set of factors. Based on this review, we propose an integrative framework of 27 comfort influencing factors and their interrelationships. We categorize factors into six groups, encompassing the driving environment, vehicle physical features and automation system, and the user's activity, individual characteristics, and understanding of the automated system. These six groups are organized into the three larger categories of environment, vehicle, and user-related considerations. Patterns that emerge from the framework include that: a) some factors primarily influence physical well-being (such as motion forces), b) some contribute to discomfort (automation failures) while others contribute to comfort (secondary activities), c) some are stable and known before the trip (individual characteristics) while others change over time (environment), and d) comfort or discomfort can lead users to change either the relevant factors (level of automation) or their own behavior (secondary activities).


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  1. Comfort in Automated Driving: A Literature Survey and a High-Level Integrative Framework



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