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An Infectious Disease Spread Simulation to Control Data Bias

Published: 22 November 2024 Publication History


The increased availability of datasets during the COVID-19 pandemic enabled machine-learning approaches for modeling and forecasting infectious diseases. However, such approaches are known to amplify the bias in the data they are trained on. Bias in such input data like clinical case data for COVID-19 is difficult to measure due to disparities in testing availability, reporting standards, and healthcare access among different populations and regions. Furthermore, the way such biases may propagate through the modeling pipeline to decision-making is relatively unknown. Therefore, we present a system that leverages a highly detailed agent-based model (ABM) of infectious disease spread in a city to simulate the collection of biased clinical case data where the bias is known. Our system allows users to load either a pre-selected region or select their own (using OpenStreetMap data for the environment and census data for the population), specify population and infectious disease parameters, and the degree(s) to which different populations will be overrep-resented or underrepresented in the case data. In addition to the system, we provide a large number of benchmark datasets that produce case data at different levels of bias for different regions. We hope that infectious disease modelers will use these datasets to investigate how well their models are robust to data bias or whether their model is overfit to biased data.


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  1. An Infectious Disease Spread Simulation to Control Data Bias



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGSPATIAL '24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
    October 2024
    743 pages
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.



    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 22 November 2024

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    Author Tags

    1. Bias Simulation
    2. Data Bias
    3. Data Simulation
    4. Infectious Disease Data


    • Short-paper
    • Research
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