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FUZZING 2024: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Fuzzing Workshop
ACM2024 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
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FUZZING '24: 3rd ACM International Fuzzing Workshop Vienna Austria 16 September 2024
13 September 2024
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 3rd International Workshop on Fuzzing (FUZZING 2024), co-located with ISSTA in Vienna, Austria on 16 September 2024. This workshop is the continuation of a two-year series of workshops that introduced a preregistration-based publication process to our community. Similar to the last two years, this workshop hosts the presentations of the accepted drafts of the registered reports that were accepted as part of the first stage in a two-stage publication process. In the first stage, the program committee (PC) evaluates all submissions based on: (i) the significance and novelty of the hypotheses or techniques and (ii) the soundness and reproducibility of the methodology specified to validate the claims or hypotheses -- but explicitly not based on the strength of the (preliminary) results. These draft registered reports are presented and improved at the FUZZING 2024 workshop in Vienna.

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SESSION: Keynotes
Reasons for the Unreasonable Success of Fuzzing (Keynote)

The hacker culture of my youth (90s) was a very typical male-centric teenage subculture, with norms and value systems that were at odds with broader society. In my particular corner of the culture, the term ‘fuzz-tester’ was used as a derogatory put-down ...

Is “AI” Useful for Fuzzing? (Keynote)

Discussion of AI and its applications to security seems unavoidable nowadays, and, alas, this keynote is no exception. But is it actually useful for problems we care about, like fuzzing? In classic academic fashion I will answer “maybe” at great length, ...

Open Access
The Havoc Paradox in Generator-Based Fuzzing (Registered Report)

Parametric generators are a simple way to combine coverage-guided and generator-based fuzzing. Parametric generators can be thought of as decoders of an arbitrary byte sequence into a structured input. This allows mutations on the byte sequence to map to ...

Open Access
Visualization Task Taxonomy to Understand the Fuzzing Internals (Registered Report)

Greybox fuzzing is used extensively in research and practice. There are umpteen improvements proposed in the literature to improve greybox fuzzing. However, to what extent do these improvements affect the internal components (or internals) of a given ...

WebAssembly as a Fuzzing Compilation Target (Registered Report)

By monitoring the execution of the program under test, fuzzers can gather feedback on how different inputs affect the program’s behavior and detect crashes and other abnormal behaviors. To achieve these objectives, fuzzers typically rely on a static ...

Directed or Undirected: Investigating Fuzzing Strategies in a CI/CD Setup (Registered Report)

Fuzzing best practices suggest that fuzzing should be run for at least 24 hours, if not longer. This recommendation makes it hard to integrate fuzzing into CI/CD contexts, to rapidly check a commit for bugs. Existing studies on CI/CD fuzzing simulated a ...

Open Access
LOOL: Low-Overhead, Optimization-Log-Guided Compiler Fuzzing (Registered Report)

Compiler fuzzing with randomly generated input programs is a powerful technique for finding compiler crashes and miscompilation bugs. Existing fuzzers for compilers are often unguided and must be manually parameterized to cover different parts of the ...

Open Access
Effective Fuzzing within CI/CD Pipelines (Registered Report)

Deploying fuzzing within CI/CD pipelines can help ensure safe and secure code evolution. Directed greybox fuzzing techniques such as AFLGo are a good match for the CI/CD context. These techniques prioritise inputs based on estimated distances to the ...

Open Access
Sparse Symbolic Loop Execution (Registered Report)

Dynamic symbolic execution is a powerful program analysis technique but is often limited by the path-explosion problem, particularly in the presence of heavily branching loops. In this paper, we introduce sparse symbolic loop execution (SSLE), a novel ...

Open Access
Automated Feature Testing of Verilog Parsers using Fuzzing (Registered Report)

In this article we propose a methodology based on fuzzing to test which features are supported by pasers and register an experiment applying this methodology to SystemVerilog-consuming tools. SystemVerilog is a hardware description, specification and ...

Understanding and Improving Coverage Tracking with AFL++ (Registered Report)

Coverage-based fuzzers track which program parts they visit when executing a specific input as a proxy measure to (1) guide the fuzzing process, and (2) explore the PUT's state space. One way to record coverage progress is to enumerate basic block pairs ...

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