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Measurable Trust: The Key to Unlocking User Confidence in Black-Box AI

Published: 16 September 2024 Publication History


Given the pervasive integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives, establishing public trust is paramount for maximizing AI's benefits and ensuring its responsible use. This research proposes an investigation into the feasibility of developing a globally accepted, context-specific "trustworthiness score" for AI systems. We recognize that trust is a dynamic construct influenced by individual experiences, situational factors, and inherent user characteristics. We hypothesize that by quantifying behavioral manifestations of trust, such as user acceptance and confidence level during interactions, as well as incorporating expert assessments and ethical considerations, we can indirectly measure AI trustworthiness. This approach aims to create a standardized framework that can guide responsible AI development, mitigate potential risks, and empower users to make informed decisions about trusting AI systems. The proposed research is particularly relevant in high-stakes sectors like healthcare and finance where AI decisions can significantly impact individuals and society, underscoring the need for transparency, accountability, and robust mechanisms to evaluate and build trust in AI technologies.


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TAS '24: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems
September 2024
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Published: 16 September 2024

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