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Mining Novel Customer Needs from Online Product Review

Published: 18 November 2024 Publication History


Identifying new customer needs is essential for companies to take advantage of evolving technology and social trends. However, the traditional methods used to discover emerging needs require much time, expense, and intensive labor. They often leading to delays in product development. Recent years have witnessed the emergence of online product reviews as a promising alternative for uncovering fresh customer requirements. In this study, we suggest utilizing online reviews to identify new customer needs by treating it as a text classification problem. We exploit the BERT language model, which is pre-trained using general text corpus, to create a classifier that can detect reviews containing innovative content. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of this structured approach, even when dealing with reviews of varying lengths. By implementing this methodology, companies can automate the process of identifying new customer needs quickly and efficiently, reducing the need for extensive expert resources. This advancement in research could have implications for product development and other related fields.

1 Introduction

Identifying customer needs is crucial for companies to discover new product opportunities, improve existing products, and adapt to evolving socio-economic and technological changes [1]. This can lead to profitable outcomes, as seen with the success of SUVs and innovative detergent products [2]. However, traditional methods of understanding customer needs, such as surveys and focus groups, are expensive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive [3]. With increasing global competition and the need for faster time-to-market, there is a demand for a more efficient technique to detect novel needs during the early stages of product design.
Online customer reviews, which are abundant and easily accessible on the internet, provide a promising alternative for identifying novel customer needs. Researchers have recognized the value of mining user-generated content (UGC), particularly online reviews, to understand consumer preferences. Previous studies have shown that analyzing UGC can be as effective as traditional methods in identifying customer needs [4]. However, there is a lack of efficient techniques for identifying novel needs from UGC. Many companies still rely on manual screening of UGC data to generate new product ideas.
To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to develop efficient methods for mining novel needs from UGC. Firstly, UGC data is unstructured and requires advanced natural language processing technologies to extract meaningful information [4]. Secondly, novel needs are often unexpected and not expressed in existing UGC. Therefore, it is crucial to have a sensitive needs-detection method to identify emerging needs. Finally, UGC contains irrelevant information, such as complaints about sales service, which makes it necessary to filter out irrelevant content and focus on the informative parts.
This paper aims to address the above challenges and proposes an efficient method for mining UGC to identify novel customer needs. We tackle the problem from a text classification perspective by classifying reviews as positive (containing novel needs) or negative (lacking novel content). Currently, the pretrained large language model has been the mainstream methods in NLP research due to their superior performance. We exploit the BERT language model In this paper to extract semantic features and understand the complex language used in unstructured reviews. The extracted features are then inputted to the classifier of softmax classifier to realize the mapping. We also carried out extensive experiments to show the good performance of the developed baseline research.

2 Relevant Work

Identifying customer needs in product design and marketing research has been a research focus for a long time. Traditional methods, like focus groups [5], the lead user method [6], quality function deployment (QFD) [7], and conjoint analysis [8], are commonly used at the early stages of design. But they have limitations in terms of effectiveness or efficiency when it comes to identifying novel customer needs.
Recently, online product reviews have been accepted as an important resource for researchers and practitioners to understand customer needs. Several studies have explored different approaches to analyze these reviews and extract relevant insights. For example, Zhai et al. summarized review text to identify and rank customer needs, with a focus on those that are critical for design purposes [9]. Liu et al. integrated domain knowledge with online reviews using a knowledge management system for product development. They aimed to leverage this integration to improve the design process [10]. Decker and Trusov aggregated customer needs from review text and examined the how the extracted product information has an influence on customer satisfaction [11]. Zhou et al. (year) utilize a combination of product reviews and customers' purchasing records to determine customer preferences for products through the application of multi-view LDA. This technique allows for the connection of product-related topics with customers' purchasing motivations [12]. Wang et al. analyzed review text and proposed a multitask learning [13] related models to map customer needs expressed in layman languages to the technical engineering characteristics. They further incorporate domain knowledge base to the deep learning network structure to continue boosting the classification's effectiveness [14].
Recent research has also explored the use of online product reviews to elicit useful information and study business related issues. Chen et al. applied online product reviews to extract semantic features and improve the effectiveness of product recommendation [15]. Liu et al. developed a dual attention machine learning method to elicit textual and semantic information from online user generated content, aiming to improve the interpretability of recommendations [16]. Timoshenko and Hauser applied a supervised deep network structure, i.e., CNN, to identify and cluster sentences from product review text, which were then manually reviewed by analysts to find information related to customer needs [4]. However, this work was not specifically focused on identifying novel customer needs and required human expert involvement. Some studies have focused on extracting defect information from online reviews, but it is important to note that defects are different from novel customer needs. As of now, there is limited research on automatically identifying novel needs from user-generated content. This research direction is still at an early phase. It is needed for us to develop more efficient methods by applying machine learning and natural language processing to elicit ideas for product development from online user generated content.

3 Method

3.1 BERT as the Feature Extractor

Considering BERT' s exceptional ability to automatically extract semantic information from text, we employed it to encode the language in reviews. A transformer-based design is utilized by the pre-trained language model BERT [17]. By utilizing bidirectional training, BERT is able to capture the context and meaning of words based on both their former and latter terms, in contrast to typical models that process words in a sequential fashion. BERT is able to comprehend the subtleties and connections inside a phrase because to its bidirectionality. The process of pre-training and fine-tuning BERT is one of its main characteristics. BERT is trained on a sizable corpus of unlabeled text, including novels and Wikipedia articles, during pre-training. BERT gains knowledge about broad language representations thanks to this unsupervised learning. Using labeled data, BERT is further trained on certain downstream tasks, including text classification or sentiment analysis, during the fine-tuning step.
BERT's network contains multiple transformer layers as shown in Figure 1 [18]. Self-attention mechanisms found in a transformer layer enable the model to assign relative weights to words in a phrase depending on how relevant they are to one another as demonstrated in Figure 2. BERT can successfully collect contextual information and long-range dependencies because to its attention technique. Specifically, let \({{\bf x}} = ({x}_1,{x}_2,...,{x}_n)\) be a review containing n words. The review also has associated with a label y. Then \({{\bf x}}\)is fed into BERT and transformed into a feature vector \({{\bf H}} = {\rm{BERT(}}{{\bf x}})\).

3.2 Model Training

The BERT encoding, H, is fed into a SoftMax layer to generate a distribution of likelihood for the label y in the label set as\(P(y = {y}_k|{{\bf x}}) = \frac{{\exp ({{{\bf W}}}_k \cdot {{\bf H}})}}{{\sum\nolimits_j {\exp ({{{\bf W}}}_j \cdot {{\bf H}})} }}\) [19]. Specifically, we use a binary label, denoted as \({y}_k\), to indicate whether the needs are new or not. The parameter \({{{\bf W}}}_k\) is estimated during model training stage. The cross-entropy loss \({L}_{CE} = - \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{|{{\bf T}}|} {\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{|{{\bf C}}|} {y_j^i\log P_j^i} }\), is minimized during the model training process. \(|{{\bf C}}|\)and\(|{{\bf T}}|\)in the formula represent the training dataset size and the class labels size.
Figure 1:
Figure 1: The structure of BERT in the task
Figure 2:
Figure 2: The details of transformer layer [18]

4 Experiment

4.1 Dataset

We collected laptop reviews from between 2017 and 2022, totaling 16,667 reviews. Two annotators with IT backgrounds independently labeled the reviews as either positive (containing novel needs content) or negative (lacking novel needs content). Out of the total reviews, only 187 were labeled as positive.
The dataset was randomly divided into training set (40%), validation set (20%), and testing sets (40%). These sets were applied to performance evaluation, parameter selection, and model training.
We evaluate the developed method by employing the commonly used performance metrics of precision@k, recall@k, and F1@k in the context of text classification [20]. These metrics provide important information about how well the model is able to locate relevant samples within the top-k ranked results. With an emphasis on the significance of the chosen samples, Precision@k evaluates the proportion of properly identified positive samples among the top-k ranked testing samples. A higher percentage of correctly detected positive samples is indicated by higher precision@k values. Recall@k, on the other hand, emphasizes the completeness of the picked samples by measuring the ratio of properly categorized positive samples among all positive samples that should have been chosen inside the top-k ranked samples. A higher percentage of properly detected positive samples is indicated by higher recall@k values. By taking into account both completeness and relevance, F1@k provides a fair assessment of the model's performance by combining precision@k and recall@k into just one metric. The harmonic mean of precision@k and recall@k is used to compute it. Higher F1@k values indicate improved overall performance in selecting relevant and complete samples within the top-k ranked results.

4.2 Dataset Experiment Result

We compare the developed approach with popular text classification approaches, namely fastText [21], CNN [22], and BiLSTM [23], which are commonly used in natural language processing tasks.
For CNN, we used 64-dimension GloVe embeddings, a batch size of 32, and kernel sizes of 2, 3, and 4. The learning rate was determined to be 5e–3 through experimentation. We set the dropout rate to be 0.5. For BiLSTM, we used the same parameter settings for embedding dimensions, batch size, dropout rate, and learning rate due to their superior performance. The performance is indicated in Table 1.
Table 1:
ModelPrecision (overall)Recall (overall)F1 (overall)
Table 1: Overall performance in identifying positive samples from the testing dataset
According to the table, the BERT method demonstrated the highest performance across all performance metrics. The overall precision scores for all methods were high due to the imbalanced class distribution, with the negative testing data dominating the overall performance. However, when focusing on the positive sample set, the proposed method showed significantly better recall rates compared to the other methods. In contrast, fastText, a non-deep learning approach, struggled to effectively elicit textual features from the text, resulting in the worst performance. CNN, LSTM, and transformer-based structures like BERT are commonly used for encoding both syntactic and textual features from text [24]. The experimental results indicate that BERT was the most effective in extracting features and identifying novel customer needs.
BERT' s transformer-based architecture is a key factor in its effective capture of contextual information [25]. Unlike models that only consider local dependencies, transformers take into account the entire context of a word or sentence. This ability is especially advantageous for text classification tasks, allowing BERT to comprehend the relationships between words and phrases within the text, even when faced with class imbalance. BERT also gains from its pre-training on large corpora, which helps it understand broad language features and subtleties. [17]. By fine tuning BERT using annotated reviews specifically for identifying novel customer needs, the model can adapt its existing knowledge to better handle imbalanced datasets and improve its proficiency in handling both positive and negative reviews [26].
Table 2:
Testing classPrecision (overall)Recall (overall)F1 (overall)
Positive class0.81540.70670.7571
Negative class0.99670.99820.9974
Overall macro average0.90600.85240.8773
Table 2: Relative performance of BERT and the dual BERT methods
Table 1 displays the text classification performance; however, in order to obtain more understanding, we also analyze the BERT-based classifier performance for each particular class. The total performance and the results for each of the two classes are shown in Table 2. The trial shows that the BERT structure consistently obtains good accuracy, recall, and F1 scores. In our job, task-specific labeled data is used to pretrained and fine-tune BERT. This process of fine-tuning makes it possible for BERT to adjust its prior knowledge to the unbalanced dataset, which is especially pertinent for text classification problems that involve class imbalance, as this work explores [27]. By training on annotated reviews that specifically target the identification of novel customer needs, BERT becomes proficient in effectively handling both positive and negative reviews. Furthermore, BERT employs subword units to represent words, enabling it to handle out-of-vocabulary words. This capability proves advantageous in scenarios with class imbalance, as the minority class may contain unique or unseen phrases which are not adequately represented in the data set. By breaking words into subword units, BERT can still capture the meaning and context of these infrequent words, thereby enhancing its performance on the minority class.

5 Conclusion

In order to effectively address the dynamic nature of consumer demands and provide companies with a competitive edge in responding to market changes, it is essential to be able to quickly and accurately recognize new demands that arise [28, 29]. To tackle this challenge, we have developed a BERT-based method that efficiently identifies new customer needs from online product reviews [30]. Through the application of natural language processing methods and deep neural network, our approach offers a cost-effective and automated solution for extracting valuable insights from the vast amount of online product reviews. The experimental findings show that our approach performs satisfactorily, indicating its potential to transform the idea generation process in new product development. Additionally, our proposed methodology simplifies the identification process and reduces the reliance on extensive expert resources. This research aligns with the evolving landscape of technology-driven innovation, highlighting its capacity to reshape industries by empowering designers to extract more creative ideas and convert insights into tangible product opportunities [31]. Ultimately, the outcomes of this project have the potential to advance the field of product design research and foster a culture of innovation that is adaptable, responsive, and highly attuned to the ever-changing needs of consumers.
Despite the fact that our strategy has worked well, it' s vital to understand its limitations. Our model’ s sensitivity to class imbalance indicates that more study is necessary to look at adaptive methods that can dynamically change the model’ s strength depending on how the data are distributed [32]. To further increase the model’ s adaptability, investigate the effects of hyperparameter changes, including dropout rates and weight modifications [33]. Since this paper uses English-language data, we would like to evaluate its efficacy in other languages. Finally, we are looking into ways to adapt the learned model from one product to another using transfer learning approaches [34].


This research conducted in this paper is supported under Hong Kong Research Grant Council Faculty Development Scheme UGC/FDS14/E08/23 and Research Matching Grant SDSC-SRG016.


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ICDSM '24: Proceedings of the International Conference on Decision Science & Management
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Published: 18 November 2024

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  1. Language model
  2. Natural language processing
  3. Novel customer needs
  4. Product design
  5. Product review


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • Hong Kong RGC FDS


ICDSM 2024


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