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"I Upload... All Types of Different Things to Say the World of Blindness Is More Than What They Think It Is": A Study of Blind TikTokers' Identity Work from a Flourishing Perspective

Published: 08 November 2024 Publication History


Identity work in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has examined the asset-based design of marginalized groups who use technology to improve their quality of life. Our study illuminates the identity work of people with disabilities, specifically, visual impairments. We interviewed 45 BlindTokers (blind users on TikTok) from various backgrounds to understand their identity work from a positive design perspective. We found that BlindTokers leverage the affordance of the platform to create positive content, express their identities, and build communities with the desire to flourish. We proposed flourishing labor to present the work conducted by BlindTokers for their community's flourishing with implications to support the flourishing labor. This work contributes to understanding blind users' experience in short video platforms and highlights that flourishing is not just an activity for any single blind user but also a collective effort that necessitates serious and committed contributions from platforms and the communities they serve.


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Published: 08 November 2024
Published in PACMHCI Volume 8, Issue CSCW2


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  1. asset-based design
  2. blind
  3. blindtok
  4. flourishing
  5. identity
  6. short-video platform
  7. tiktok
  8. visual impairment


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