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"Like I was There:" A User Evaluation of an Interpersonal Telepresence System Developed through Value Sensitive Design

Published: 08 November 2024 Publication History


We developed and deployed an interpersonal telepresence prototype aimed at providing a positive one-to-one interaction between a Streamer and a Viewer. Our prototype uses four distributed, wearable cameras hidden from the public eye. It was designed to reduce the risk of Streamer self-consciousness while providing the Viewer with a greater sense of autonomy. We deployed our prototype with sixteen participants in dyads, who worked together to complete a scavenger hunt, and compared it the baseline of Skype. We found how our prototype better supported Streamer social well-being and physical comfort, and it also better supported Viewer autonomy. However, almost all participants desired a change to the design of the prototype, hinting that we need to provide better customization for future iterations of interpersonal telepresence devices.


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  1. "Like I was There:" A User Evaluation of an Interpersonal Telepresence System Developed through Value Sensitive Design



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      Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue CSCW2
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