Computational Biomimetics of Winged Seeds
Article No.: 180, Pages 1 - 13
We develop a computational pipeline to facilitate the biomimetic design of winged seeds. Our approach leverages 3D scans of natural winged seeds to construct a bio-inspired design space by interpolating them with geodesic coordinates in the 3D diffeomorphism group. We formulate aerodynamic design tasks with probabilistic performance objectives and adapt a gradient-free optimizer to explore the design space and minimize the expectation of performance objectives efficiently and effectively. Our pipeline discovers novel winged seed designs that outperform natural counterparts in aerodynamic tasks, including long-distance dispersal and guided flight. We validate the physical fidelity of our pipeline by showcasing paper models of selected winged seeds in the design space and reporting their similar aerodynamic behaviors in simulation and reality.
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Index Terms
- Computational Biomimetics of Winged Seeds
Configuration Design and Sizing Optimization of a Winged Airship
NCIS '11: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Network Computing and Information Security - Volume 02This paper aims to develop a near space aerial vehicle, which combines aerodynamic lift and buoyancy with buoyancy force and operates at day and night energy saving mode. The configuration is designed and optimized by a Non-dominated Sorted Genetic ...
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Published in TOG Volume 43, Issue 6
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