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Prediction of Wind Speed for Electric Power with a Combined Model Based on Hodrick-Prescott Decomposition

Published: 11 October 2024 Publication History


As an environmental-friendly and sustainable energy, wind energy gets great attention currently. However, the intermittency and randomness of wind make its speed prediction a challenging gap. This study firstly applied Hampel filter to correct wind speed data and compress coefficient to reconstruct time sequence in frequency domain. Then Hdrick-Prescott algorithm was used to decompose the time sequence so as to reduce intermittency and uncertainty. Finally we combined Approximate Radius Base Function (ARBF), Extreme Learning Machine(ELM) and Long short-term memory(LSTM) to build a Hybrid Model. The numerical results indicated that, compared with previous single methods, the Hybrid Model proposed in this paper improved prediction accuracy and reliability significantly.


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  1. Prediction of Wind Speed for Electric Power with a Combined Model Based on Hodrick-Prescott Decomposition



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    ICCBN '24: Proceedings of the 2024 12th International Conference on Communications and Broadband Networking
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 11 October 2024


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    1. Approximate Radius Base Function
    2. Extreme Learning Machine
    3. Hdrick-Prescott
    4. LSTM


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