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Youth Vaping in the Digital Age: A Systematic Review of Technological Interventions for Prevention and Cessation

Published: 12 January 2025 Publication History


E-cigarettes are the most popular tobacco product among youth, yet existing prevention and cessation interventions are primarily adult-centered and adapted from general tobacco use, with limited evidence for their effectiveness in addressing youth e-cigarette use. This paper explores technology-based preventative measures targeting youth e-cigarette use by systematically reviewing 90 articles. Our findings highlight a significant research gap in youth-specific e-cigarette interventions, despite the increasing prevalence and associated risks. The most-studied vaping prevention method was based on virtual reality games, showing positive outcomes in terms of youth engagement. Overall, we emphasize the critical need for vaping-specific, youth-centered research and design to meet their unique needs in combating their e-cigarette use.


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Index Terms

  1. Youth Vaping in the Digital Age: A Systematic Review of Technological Interventions for Prevention and Cessation



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      GROUP '25: Companion Proceedings of the 2025 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work
      January 2025
      145 pages
      • Editors:
      • Guo Freeman,
      • David Unbehaun
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 12 January 2025

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      Author Tags

      1. E-cigarette
      2. Smoking Prevention
      3. Technology Health Interventions
      4. Tobacco
      5. Vaping
      6. Youth


      • Extended-abstract
      • Research
      • Refereed limited

      Funding Sources

      • Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society
      • St. Joseph County Department of Health


      GROUP '25
      GROUP '25: The 2025 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work
      January 12 - 15, 2025
      New Jersey, Hilton Head, USA

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      Overall Acceptance Rate 125 of 405 submissions, 31%


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